Frequently Asked Questions


What is the largest size project that your company can handle?

Our team can easily convert and deliver more than 2.000,000 lines in a week.

What is the largest individual source program file that your translator can handle?

We have successfully converted files as large as 250,000 lines without any problems. We have a number of different translation options that will conform to the size of your source file.

What should I do if I do not find my source language on the standard translators list?

If you cannot find your exact dialect listed on our web site, we may be able to modify an existing tool to suit your needs (in fact that is how many of our tools were originally developed). We will select the closest translator to your dialect and use it as a base line. Then, we will modify the front-end of the translator to accept your dialect. Give us a call or send us a small sample of your code so we can estimate the modification costs involved in creating a translator that will work for your source code.

What should I do if I do not find the target language on the standard translator's list?

We will select the translator for your source code language and use it as a base line. Then, we will modify the back-end of the translator to output your target language. Give us a call or send us a small sample of your code so we can estimate the modification costs involved in creating a translator that will output the target language you want.

When will you have my translator in the UNIX environment?

Our strategic plan is to increase the repertoire of our translators and the variety of dialects supported. Because translation from one language to another is a one-time project, the inconvenience of using the Windows environment is justified. Our resources are focused on always improving the performance of the translators and not on the operating environment of the translators. If you have a very large translation project (350k lines and up), a new operating environment may be justified. Please contact us for a no-obligation quotation for modifying the translator that you need to work in the operating environment that you desire.

Do you have any trial or demo versions?

If you want to see how your specific code or style is converted, send us a sample file (fewer than 1000 lines in zip format) for a free demonstration. If the file is larger than 1000 lines, we will provide you with a translation of the first one thousand (1000) lines only.

What dialects do the translators support?

Please view the data sheets on our web site for the current dialect information for the language specific translator you are interested in.

What hardware and software are required in order to run the translator?

The translator will run on any Windows XP and higher. The translator is a console Windows program.

Are the translators continuously updated?

Yes. We are very dependent on customer feedback. When we receive reports of problems with our translators, they are updated, and a new version is created. Although we are always coming up with new products, many of our translators were first put on the market in 1987 and have received numerous updates over the years. Again, in order to keep our translators as comprehensive and up-to-date as possible, we need the feedback of all of our customers.

How can I translate the include files?

The translator can translate include files in two ways:

  • As Code Fragments: If the include file is fairly independent and does not have other include files, or, if it does not depend on other include files for declarations or statements, then you can translate this include file as a code fragment.
  • The In-Site Translation: If the include file is heavily dependent on other include files, the in-site translation method is recommended. In this method the file that the include file is mentioned in is translated with a command line option that specifies that all translation output is disabled except the code generated by the include file itself. The resulting target code that is generated uses all the dependencies in the main file and the other include files.
  • Can I translate a file if I do not have the include file?

    Yes, you can translate a file when you do not have the include file. The translator will give you a warning for every missing include file and will implicitly declare any variable that is not pre-declared or that is missing. However, in order to optimize your translation, it is preferable to have all of the include files on hand.

    Which include files should I use when I verify the target code?

    When you verify the target code, you should use the translated include file only. If you use in translated include files, the target compiler will compile with many errors.

    Which include files should I use with the translator?

    When you use the translator, all of the include files that you use must be in the source language.

    Why did the translator output implicitly declared variables when I provided all of the right include files?

    Some languages allow nested functions and the translator has to de-nest them. In the process, the scope of some of the functions may change and the variables that were declared properly in the source code may now be out of scope. In order to continue with the translation, the translator will implicitly declare them and add them to the list of implicitly declared variables that is appended at the end of the translation file. If you have implicitly declared variables at the end of your translation, you should check each variable mentioned in this list for possible errors.

    How can I improve the quality of the code generated by the translator?

    For most applications, the standard translator should be sufficient. However, for large translation projects of 50k lines or more, a small set of files should be trouble-shooted, verified, debugged and tested. If the resulting code is satisfactory, no action has to be taken. If the resulting code is not satisfactory, contact us and, for an additional charge, we will customize the translator to your style of programming in order to enhance and optimize the quality of the outputted code and to reduce the amount of work needed in the verification and validation process. If required, on-site consulting can also be arranged.

    Why do the translator output files have the extension ".CC" and not ".C" ?

    Because the translator is not designed to test if the destination files exist and because you may have files with the same name ".c" or you may have validated files with the extension ".c," the translator output files have the extension ".cc" and not ".c". By use of this protocol, the translator does not destroy earlier conversion work:

  • ".cc" Translator Output Files
  • ".c" Validation Output Files
  • A similar protocol is used with regard to include files:

  • ".hh" Translator Output Include Files
  • ".h" Validation Output Include Files
  • Why do I need "Interface.C" ?

    "Interface.C" and its prototype declaration file, "interface.H", are used as prototype containers for the source language built-in functions and translator generated function calls.

    Does the translator support SQL? DB2? ASM, CICS?

    If your code has one of these embedded statements in the source language, the translator gives you two options:
    1) Transfer the statements to the target as they are and use an SQL pre-processor for the target language.
    2) pass the statements to the target language as comments and modify them later on for the new data base connectivity.
    3) Call a external SQL, DB2,ASM, CICS translator to translate the embeded statement